We brought our goodies to the office to have a quick visit (and some photos) with Grandpa Dan, then it was off for more adventures. We drove over to the river park in Henderson for a little excursion. First we checked out the caboose and a giant paddle-wheel steam boat called the "American Queen" which was docked just for today at the riverfront. I guess they do gambling cruises up and down the river on it. It was pretty incredible to see. The boys loved it for about 2 minutes, then they wanted more action.

So, we played in the sprinklers (and got fried in the sun) for a good long while. And what do you know, Grandma Debby, Grandma Theresa, and Ms. Caryll showed up to play with us too! And we ALL got in the sprinklers. It was pretty hilarious when Mom, G-ma, and Caryll got in the water. They laughed and laughed. The boys just ran in circles.
When we were all too hot to stand it any more we headed back to our side of the river. We decided to have Zeke's birthday lunch at Los Bravos. The lady brought him an ice cream sundae, and giant sombrero and sang happy birthday. She even fed him a bite after they sang to him. He wasn't really loving the hat.

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