Monday, February 2, 2009

up and rolling

I sort of mentioned this the other day but I didn't have time to expalin. Indiana winters are miserable (to me anyway), evidence of which was the power outage 75,000 people in our area suffered this past week due to a severe ice storm which took out power lines and trees as far as the eye could see. We didn't have electricity at our house from Wednesday morning through Saturday evening some time. It worked out fine for us because we were able to stay at my parents' house where it was nice and warm. But many thousands of families had to stay in shelters. I admit, the ice and snow were beautiful to look at, but it sure is a pain in the butt. I am so ready to sleep at my own house tonight. That's assuming I am able to get my car out of the driveway (aka, steep and narrow ice covered lane which may or may not be passable). We shall see.

Mr. Gutierrez and I got to go on a lovely date to Bonefish Grille on Saturday night. (yummy to my tummy bang-bang shrimp, grilled salmon, beautiful field greens with tomatoes, green beans, fennel and balsamic vinaigrette, asparagus, french bread with olive oil, and the brownie-to-kill-all-brownies.) After dinner we took our time strolling through a book store, doing a little shopping, and having some much-needed alone time. It was all very very nice. :)

Elijah stumbled into the corner of my Grandma's coffee table last night and got a mighty nice gash next to his left eye and what I thought would surely be a big ole shiner but turned out to only be a tiny bruise. His guardian angel was definitely working overtime! Poor baby, I had never heard him cry like that before. It took 2 solid minutes for him to even catch his breath because he was crying so hard! Broke my heart.

It's so great living here close to family. We got to have a fun Super Bowl party and delish barbeque at my Grandma's house yesterday. I love them! :) I'm not sure how he learned this, but when one of the teams would score a touchdown Elijah stopped right where he was and threw his two little arms in the air Football Official style. The boy loves football!

Elijah is really getting the hang of signing "thank you" now. So cute!! Especially when he thanked the ladies in the nursery at church as we were leaving. He also loves to eat onions and rye bread. Strange kid.

I did take dozens of pictures of the snow (and Elijah in it) this weekend, which hopefully I'll be able to share here soon.

Also because we don't believe in mulletts, Elijah got his hair cut around the ears and collar the other day. He needed it badly. I'm glad my Mom knows how to do it herself.


Jilli said...

Tee hee, mullets. Yeah, poor Mia, until the sides of her hair catches up with the back - she often sports the mullet.

Little mama Rossi said...

There is some sort of automatic love for Football and all sports, guns, swords, cars, laughing at bodily noises, and all things dangerous that we moms fear, instilled in all boys! Embrace it, and stock up on antiseptic, neosporin, band aids, and paper towel, all with plenty of kisses and hugs, and prayers!!!!