Thursday, June 13, 2013

VBS 2013

This week was insane - fun, busy, exhausting. VBS. Each night we made our way to church from 5:30 - 8:30 pm, and while the kiddos enjoy activities, Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks, and songs, I was preparing snacks in the kitchen and taking photos in between groups. We had 99 kids on the first night. And I think close to that number the rest of the nights.
It really was a lot of fun. Of course the kids loved it.
Zeke only went one night because he's too little to stay up that late and experience tells me he can't handle being in the classroom that long.
When I asked Elijah what his favorite part was he said, "the games... and story... oh! and snacks... and singing - I loved that too... and making crafts. yeah, that's all my favorite part!" So, all of it. ha!

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