Thursday, September 9, 2010

My One Hundred Things: part three

65. (because you asked) Manny and I were engaged for 11 months. If you are good at math... I'm not... you know that means we married just over a year after we met.

66. I like to cut the grass.

67. I need to lose 15 more pounds. Maybe even 25.

68. The sound of whippoorwills makes me feel nostalgic. (You probably only know that sound if you've ever lived in a southern state.)

69. Lately I've been struggling with Elijah... he needs more attention, structure, and discipline than I've been giving.

70. I love to take pictures and I really wish I were better at it. I think I would benefit from taking a class or two... or at least reading my manual from front to back and learning how to use my camera.

71. My favorite sports team growing up was the Atlanta Braves -- but you probably already knew that! (Right Courtney!?) ;)

72. I'm way too serious most of the time. Always stressing about life, finances, housework, etc. I wish I enjoyed life more.

73. My favorite Christian artist is Derek Webb. His lyrics are intensely convicting and I love the way he plays guitar.

74. I think there might not be anything as refreshing as the smell of summer rain.

75. I love CSI Miami and have a teeny crush on that Cuban guy, Eric. Latinos are dreamy.

76. My house needs a good cleaning - top to bottom. The best it's likely to get is swept and vacuumed.

77. Ezekiel is 2 months old today. I'm pretty crazy about him really.

78. I started a ladies Bible study at church today. It's a book called "Calm my Anxious Heart: a Study on Biblical Contentment". So far I'm totally convicted. I'm looking forward to it and how God will use it in my life.

79. I'm going back to work on Monday. Part time like before. Part of me is ready for some time out of the house and doing adult things. Part of me is sad that this short time with my baby is almost over.

80. If I had to describe my life as a vehicle I would say I'm a milk truck. Mostly because my main job right now is to keep another human alive by means of my milk. Isn't it crazy to think that's what mothers do?

81. I have 3 recurring dreams:
1) that my teeth crumble and fall out.
2) that I smoke an entire cigarette in one drag (I've never smoked. ever.).
3) that I'm yelling at my mother at the top of my lungs and crying hysterically.
So take that stuff to your shrink, will ya.

82. I went for a mile run yesterday. That silly ice cream truck just kept driving and driving even though I was waving my money around.

(Ok, I made that last one up. But it was funny. Don't you think?)

Thanks. I'll be here all week.

1 comment:

C said...

hahaha, yep, I thought that last one was funny.

I guess I should check out Derek Webb, huh? I don't think I've heard of him (although I'm sure I've heard his music on KLove).

Gooooo Braves!!!!!:-)

Oh yeah, and I HAVE THE SAME DREAM ABOUT MY TEETH CRUMBLING!!!! Seriously, since I was young!

P.S. I love you:)