Sunday, January 24, 2010

Looking Forward

I'm 16 weeks + 3 days pregnant now. Not "showing" in such a way that an outsider could look at me and say I'm expecting. But my abdomen is definitely changing shape. (see exhibit A)

exhibit A.

It's safe to say I'm in that in between stage we all dread. Looking chubby. Regular clothes aren't comfortable, but maternity stuff is still too much of a leap. I know this part only lasts a few weeks, and I'm trying not to wish away any of this pregnancy. But boy, would it be nice to look pregnant in stead of thick through the middle. You know, at a certain point you can't suck in your tummy any more.

We go to the doctor Tuesday -- that's just the day after tomorrow -- to have an ultrasound. Hopefully we'll be able to tell the gender of the baby!! I'm most looking forward to that part. Otherwise I can't wait for Manny and Elijah to "meet" the newest member of our family. What a happy time that was for us the last time around. :)

Speaking of Elijah, he's so much fun!!

He's just so full of life and excitement. And to him, even everyday things are a thrill. Like today it rained (again!). I was bummed because we haven't seen the sun in SOOOO long. But he, as always, saw things in a positive light. He said "Oh, Mommy, it's a nice rainy day. Elijah wants to put on my frog boots and jump in some puddles." So, that's exactly what we did. Despite the misty drizzle and cold, we put on his rain boots and played in the puddles. And he had a blast. What a joy and a blessing he is to me. Every. Single. Day.

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