Thursday, December 4, 2008

15 months, 3 weeks, 3 days... and counting

I know I rarely, if ever, mention my son in this blog (his name is Elijah by the way) so, I figured it’s time for an update. We went this morning for his 15 month check-up with Dr. Rogan (although he’s only 3 days away from being 16 months… whatever).

All is well. She said he looks perfect and healthy. That’s always something to be thankful for. She asked me lots of questions about what he’s doing development wise (like does he jabber, say words, follow simple directions, walk backward, push cars, ride toys, throw things, climb steps, recognize objects on a picture, gesture, ask for what he wants, stack toys, recognize body parts, run, attempt to make parents/others laugh, feed himself, use utensils, hold his own cup, look to parent for help with difficult tasks, dance, recognize cause and effect, etc.) And according to their information, he’s developmentally, socially, and verbally at about an 18 month level. But alas, my little pipsqueak measures slightly smaller than average physically. The Dr. is not alarmed at all. She said its perfectly normal for babies to “thin out” as they become more active and mobile (which he TOTALLY is!). Whew. :)

Here are his stats:
Weight: 23 lbs, 8 oz. – 30th percentile
Height: 31 ¼ inches – 45th percentile
He also got a shot – pneumococcal vaccine.

Current favorites...

Foods: banana, broccoli, plum, prunes, raisins, peanut butter, toast, grilled cheese, grapes, oranges, apple, chicken, turkey, hot dog, graham cracker, cheese, celery, green beans, carrot, sweet potatoes, yogurt, pear, beef roast, spaghetti, Cheetos (no, he doesn't get to eat them on my watch!), Cheerios, "puffs", milk, apple juice, V8, oatmeal, cream of wheat, cheeseburgers, french fries (only 2 or 3 at a time), chicken nuggets, pasta salad, olives, mushrooms, crackers, peas, corn... and almost anything else you put in front of him.

His only major food dislikes are mashed potatoes and eggs.

Words: more, momma, dadda, baba (Annie), bye-bye, kitty cat (see below), turkey, shoe, bath, pop-pop (grandpa), nite-nite, have that, what's that, hot, uh-oh, dog, bird, water, umm good, hot dog (sounds a lot like his word for Annie), milk, moo, ball, and sometimes I swear he says I love you. I think there are more but I can't remember right now. **and his newest word, just today, COOKIE, which sounds like "cookoo"!!

Yesterday he said "turkey" for the first time. It comes out sounding like "kickey", but we understand each other. He has also really taken a liking to the cats, especially Sweet Pickle. I made the mistake at first of saying "here kitty kitty kitty cat" when I saw her. So now when he sees her he says "key key key key caa". Which sounds like he's stuttering. I should have kept it simple for him. Oh well. He'll get it.

Toys: trucks, cars, trains, wagons, anything with wheels, any kind of animals, his toothbrush, his hairbrush and comb, pots and pans, balls, the wooden thing where 2 cars race each other down, the Tupperware drawer, his new "lovie" bears (the ones we found at the new office), the push toys that make music and sound like popcorn.

But really 90 percent of the time you will find him playing with something that has wheels saying "brooooommmmm" to himself in various volumes and intonations. What is it that makes boys like stuff like that? Even when we read books, if there is a picture of a tractor or dump truck he points it out and makes the sound! Little smarty pants... like his momma. ;)

He can whistle on demand. And blow his nose... no really... he can. Stuff even comes out. So if I want him to blow it, I just hold up a tissue and he knows just what to do. Again, little smarty pants!

What else? Oh yeah... my dad has an emergency tool here at the office: flashlight, strobe, knife, glass breaker, and whistle. He gave it to Elijah, who immediately knew exactly how to blow in the whistle, and thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen! He was so excited he was waving his arms around and squealing!

The Christmas tree is pretty much his favorite thing ever! He talks about it constantly (one would have to have a discerning ear to understand) and is doing surprisingly well about not pulling on and bothering the ornaments. I did, for safety's sake, only put wooden or plastic ones down low where he might reach them. Just in case, you know, if he decides to stop obeying the rules.

For a young one, he does a great job with obeying. Let's just pray that keeps up as he gets older!! He seems to really have a teachable spirit about him. It's quite the opposite from how I was as a child, and I am super-dooper thankful he's more like his Daddy in that regard!

Also, that 3rd eyetooth has peeked out on the bottom.

1 comment:

Grace@ MammaInTheScene said...

I love posts like these...your little guy sounds like so much fun!