Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Happy Birthday

I can't believe the big day has come and gone! I don't know what magical thing I expected to happen on Elijah's first birthday. Like I would wake up this morning and he'd be all grown, talking, walking, going to school... but nothing crazy happened. I mean, he's still my sweet little guy. I'm silly, I know.
Oh my goodness! I love him now more than ever. I can't say enough how wonderful it is to be at home with him more. We don't even do anything, really. Just spending time with him is so fun! He is such a joy to me! Constantly changing and growing right before my eyes. It's surreal that his first year has passed so quickly. The cliche is right-- it seems like only yesterday... Gosh, wasn't I just in labor with him? Did we just bring him home from the hospital the other day? Where did this time go? It makes me understand how fast he will grow up, and I want to treasure every single second of it!
I was rocking him the other night and realizing that he now fills up my whole lap and chest and his little arms wrap all the way around my neck when we cuddle. I can so vividly recall rocking him those first few nights at home, cradling him in my arms, watching him sleep, and marveling at his tiny features -- thinking that before I know it the little boy who's whole body fit in my one hand would soon be too big for my lap. Ugh, that thought makes my stomach hurt. :( And that makes me want to rock him every chance I get. Who cares if he can go to sleep without me! My baby will only be a baby for a few seconds in time. A lady told me once that you will never regret holding your baby too much, only that you didn't do it often enough. Sadly, many mothers realize that too late. I don't want to be one of them. [sigh]

He now weighs 20.8 pounds... the same for the past 3 months. ;-)
I marked his height on the wall in his room since he's now big enough to stand there for me to measure him. But I still have to get a ruler out to see how tall he is.

First thing this morning Manny and I tiptoed into his room and sang him Happy Birthday. He looked at us like we were nuts. :) Then my boy and I spent the day together. I had hoped to take him out to get bagels for breakfast , then to Rural King to buy his first John Deere tractor, then to the orchard to see real farm animals. But alas, all he wanted to do today is sleep! He went down for his morning nap at 8:30 and didn't wake until 11:30. By the time I fed him lunch, hung laundry on the line, and got both of us ready to leave the house he was ready for his afternoon nap (WAY earlier than usual). So he slept again from 1:30 - 3:00. Once he woke from the second nap it was time to go to my mom's and get ready for the birthday dinner. It's ok that we didn't go out. I still had a good time with him. And I suppose he needed the rest (maybe to grow).

Grandma and Grandpa Funk and Aunt Libby joined us for the little celebration. The Great Grandparents gave Elijah a stuffed Gorilla, which he thinks is very fun. And Libby gave him a John Deere t-shirt that says "Dirt Magnet". Very cute, of course.
After dinner my boy ate his VERY FIRST BIRTHDAY CAKE... and loved it! The pictures say it all! We managed to take a couple of non-chocolate-face pictures too.

Check out the progression of dirtiness!

We are so incredibly blessed to have Elijah in our lives! It was a lovely day for all of us. To top it off, there was a very pretty sunset tonight.

1 comment:

Jilli said...

Happy birthday little man!! He is SO handsome!!!! I love the cake pictures - especially the one where he's wiping icing on Manny. :) And a beautiful picture of the two of you together. :) Hopefully Elijah and Mia can meet someday!